Step 1: Your Cloud3r device is powered by astroprint, you
must first create an account with astroprint by logging on to
Click the Start using Astroprint Button
Step 2: You
select the free plan for now. You can always upgrade
Click on the let's go button
Step 3: Fill in your details, create an account and sign in to your account
Step 4: Welcome
to your Dashboard! The dashboard is a great place to upload your files, monitor
your prints and follow your print statistics
Step 5: It's now time to move on to your cloud3r touch
screen, plug in the power cable and wait for it to boot up. On boot up, you will be provided with the
choice of languages. Choose your preferred language.
Step 6: Select the Begin setup option on the bottom right corner of the screen.
Step 7: Give your cloud3r touch screen an interesting name!
Step 8: Cloud3r provides
you a list of available networks that it can detect,
select the connect icon of
your network and then type in your password.
Step 9: In the printer selection screen, select the skip button on the top left
Step 10: Select
the sign in astroprint button, fill in our sign in details as done before
Step 11: Connect your machine to the cloud3r touch using the USB cable provided to you, give it a few
seconds to connect.
Step 12: Congrats!
You have connected to your machine. Select the wifi option and check your IP
address. You can type this IP address in your browser and connect directly over
Step 13: Monitor your printer over desktop
and download the astroprint print app to have remote monitoring capabilities
over your smartphone.
Step 14: To get started with your first print, slice your
model in Cura and save the gcode. In your web browser select the file uploader
option. Navigate to the folder where you have saved your gcode files. Your gcode
will be uploaded and you will have the option to start the print. Click on the start print option
and then wait for the magic to happen.
Bonus: Add a USB webcam to the cloud3r touch and have
remote video streaming option to monitor your 3d printer.