There are times when the layers of a printed part do not stack up in perfect alignment, they start moving out of sync and make a mess, and if the image below is representative of your printed part it is most likely that your machine is experiencing a Layer Shift Issue.

So why does a layer shift out of alignment?
This happens when the torque (Force) produced by the motor is lower than the friction or other counteracting forces in the opposite direction. Now that we understand this let us look at why this happens and how we can eliminate this. There can be two possible sources: Man or Machine.
- ยท3D printers from 3Ding have certain slicer settings, it should be noted that tinkering or tweaking this setting should be done carefully and in small increments. Following is the list of print settings that can cause a layer shift. Running the printer above recommended speeds will cause the prints to shift layers. Make sure to read the guide for recommended settings and check the print settings before starting your print.
o Print Speed
o Travel Speed
o Infill speed
o Support speed
- Another possible reason for layer shifting can be due to manual interference with any of the moving parts such as the print head, belt or the pulleys. Although this may seem obvious, we have noticed that such incidents can take place by accident. User must ensure not to enter the build environment during a print
- After long continuous use, machines will start to show signs of wear. The parts that wear out are the moving parts such as the belts and pulleys. Belts should be inspected once a month for damages or cuts. Move the print head manually by hand while the machine is turned off. The movement should be relatively smooth.
- Another important factor that causes layer shifting is the bearings. The bearings ensure smooth movement of the print head and over time this smooth movement tends to degrade and cause inconsistent motion. This happens primarily due to dust and debris that settles on the bearings and over time clogs the bearing. Also, the rails tend to dry up and the surface becomes rough. Applying a small layer of lubrication oil solves the issue.
A note on maintenance:
- The environment that a 3D printer is kept in can have an impact on the quality of parts. A dust-free environment especially indoors in a cleanroom is ideal. This keeps dust particles away from the bearings. Regular (once a week) cleaning with a dry cloth is recommended.
- Lubrication can be done once in six months by applying lubrication oil over a soft cloth and rubbing it over the rails.
- Checking belts and pulleys for any damage can be done once a month, move the print head by hand and feel for any jerks or inconsistent movements.
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