Navigation and Assisted Leveling

Navigation and Assisted Leveling

Navigation and Assisted Leveling

Step 1: Press the knob, to enter the menu and select options.

Step 2:
 while being in the menu rotate the knob to navigate around.

Step 3: To start the bed leveling process, press the knob and navigate to the Home All option under Prepare menu. The print head will come to the home position and then select Assisted Leveling under Prepare menu move to the first point.

Step 4: Take a piece of the A4 sheet and slide it in-between the nozzle and the Mag-flex Build plate.

Step 5: Loosen or tighten the wing nut down to the point that is being leveled, when you pull the piece of paper you must feel a slight resistance.

Step 6: Follow the same process for all the corners of the bed and then come back to Home.

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