Normally your printer is not supposed to deposit the plastic filament in the open space while moving one point to another point. However molten plastic will often leak onto the parts where it should not. These strands of plastic are called “STRINGING”.
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When the nozzle of FDM printer travels from one point between the open space between them to another it may deposit some plastic filament which then solidifies and sticks to the printed parts. This may be due to Disabling Retraction or incorrect Retraction setting or making the hot end temperature too high.
Image source: All3DP
The methods to reduce Stringing includes
Enabling Retraction setting is the most common way to combat 3D printer Stringing. Enabling Retraction means that, where the extruder has to cross an empty space the filament will be pulled back – just a little bit- by the feeder. This prevents the molten plastic from trailing behind as the printer head moves because the pulling back action serves as a countermeasure against Stringing.
Image source : Sublime Layers
With the increase in printing temperature, the plastic filament also gets more liquid thus It can drip from the nozzle easily. So, setting an appropriate printing temperature will Stringing. The ideal temperature depends upon the printing material and other print Settings.
Image source: All3DP
Printing speed can also cause stringing because when the print head is moving slowly the chances of filament coming out from the nozzle is more. But when the filament is moving fast the filament will have very little time to drip.
Image source: All3DP
Image source: mcfada via instructables